How will my investments with Lysa be taxed?
The funds in your portfolio are Swedish investment funds and are held on a Swedish investment account. When investing with Lysa your fund holdings will be taxed according to the mark-to-market principle (princippet om lagerbeskatning). This means that both unrealised and realised capital gains/losses will be subject to annual taxation. Returns from Lysa’s funds are classified for taxation accordingly:
Please note that the following transactions are seen as a realisation of fund units: when you make a withdrawal from your Lysa account, when you make an adjustment of the allocation between stocks and bonds in your portfolio and when Lysa automatically rebalances your portfolio within our discretionary mandate. In addition, Lysa will charge its portfolio management fee by selling fund units at a value corresponding to the fee every sixth month and these transactions may also materialise a taxable gain or a capital loss.
The applicable tax rate will depend on your individual circumstances and your overall capital income. You can find a general list on different tax rates here.
For more tax-related information please visit the Danish Tax Agency’s website.
Will Lysa report tax-related information about my investments to the Danish Tax Agency (SKAT)?
Yes. Lysa will report information about your fund holdings and the transactions you make throughout the year to the Danish Tax Agency. Consequently, all relevant information about your investments with Lysa will be included in your pre-filled tax return (årsopgørelse/oplysningsskema). However, always remember that it is your responsibility to make sure that your tax return is correct and complete, and that you are obliged to correct any inaccuracies (including inaccuracies in the information reported by Lysa).
Do I have to pay tax in Sweden?
No. If you are not a tax resident in Sweden, you will not pay any tax in Sweden.
Link to communication: Returns from Lysa Global Equity Broad will now be taxed as Aktieindkomst.
Please note that this information is provided as general information and should not be considered as tax advice. Always remember that your individual circumstances might affect your tax situation and that the tax rules may be subject to changes in the future. If you are in any doubt about your tax situation contact the Danish Tax Agency. You will find their contact details here.