Low fees are important. The lower the fee, the more money goes into your savings. Here, you can easily see the total cost of investing with Lysa. No hidden fees or surprises.
Total fee per year
The fee that goes directly to Lysa - for your portfolio and fund management.
The fee that goes to the underlying funds and ETF's in which we invest your money.
Costs that arise when the funds are trading in underlying instruments
To build the best portfolio, we invest in the equity and bond markets as part of our management mandate, currently through the funds Lysa Global Equity Broad, Lysa Global Small Cap Equity Broad, Lysa Emerging Markets Equity Broad and Lysa Global Fixed Income. More information about Lysa's funds.
What you pay for
The financial industry has been creative when it comes to presenting (see: hiding) their fees. We want to be transparent and straight forward. The more you invest with Lysa, the lower the fee. The total fee for the average Lysa customer is approx. 0.4% per year.
Lysa's fee
At Lysa, we never accept kickbacks or compensation from anyone other than our customers. The annual fee to Lysa is the same regardless of how you choose to save and gets lower the more you save.
Fees for underlying holdings and transaction costs
Fund fees are paid to the underlying funds in which your money is invested. Transaction costs are the costs that arises when the funds are trading in underlying instruments. Since the cost of trading varies from year to year, transaction costs are stated as an estimated amount based on the previous year’s costs. As of 2023, transaction costs includes both direct transaction costs (e.g. courtage and settlement fees) and indirect transcation costs (e.g. spread-costs). Read more here. All of these are included in your total fee and will vary depending on the composition of your portfolio.
The importance of a low fee
Over time, fees play a big part in the ultimate return. High fees that are deducted from your assets year after year eat up your capital and dampen the well-known effect of compound interest.
more in your Lysa account after 10 years compared to an equity fund with a fee of 1.56%*
Create account* The average equity fund fee in Denmark is 1.56% (March 2022). See how we calculated.